Life Sciences: Genetic FIngerprinting

Hi This is a really short section and then that’s the end of the ‘nucleic acids and protein synthesis’ section. WHAT IS GENETIC FINGERPRINTING Just as we can look at people’s unique fingerprint on their hand, the DNA coding for every individual is also just as unique- except identical twins of course Most of the […]

Life Sciences: Protein Synthesis

Hi This is a post on protein synthesis which at first I did not understand at all but I tried to study it differently. Hopefully this helps some of you. Proteins are the “workhorses” of all living systems and this whole process is all to create proteins. There are two parts to this process- transcription […]

Life Sciences: Nucleic Acids: DNA and RNA

Hi This is the beginning of A LOT of notes that are about to come in preparation for this Monday’s exam. WHAT ARE NUCLEIC ACIDS? They are the ‘molecules of life’ because they not only store the info that controls all cellular activity and the development of the organism. This is all possible because they […]