Life Sciences: Reproduction in flowering plants

Hi DEFINITIONS Sexual reproduction: Involving the fusion of male and female gametes Asexual reproduction: Reproduction that does not involve gametes Haploid: An individual/cell having one member of each pair of homologous chromosomes. This is half of the amount found in somatic cells, typically in gametes in which union will restore the diploid number Diploid: Somatic […]

Life Sciences: Population Ecology

Hi This is one long post covering the whole section of population ecology. Starting with some definitions: Species: A group of organisms that can reproduce successfully to produce fertile offspring Habitat: The specific type of environment in which a plant or animal species normally occurs Population: A group of organisms of the same species that […]

Life Sciences: Negative Feedback Mechanism

Hi Negative feedback- STOP DOING WHAT YOU’RE DOING This is basically the mechanic of the body. It reduces the output of a system in order to re-establish or stabilise the internal equilibrium. There are several negative feedback in biological systems to regulate and maintain homeostasis. IT BRINGS THE BODY BACK TO HOMEOSTASIS When the body’s […]

Life Sciences: Endocrine System Definitions

Hi Today is a mix of Life Sciences and Afrikaans prep so there will be a large amount of variation. Firstly, to start off the endocrine system I’m giving some definitions that could be used for the short questions/ multiple choice questions. hormone- chemical substance produced in the body that controls and regulates the activity […]

History: Yalta & Potsdam Conferences

Hi This is not particularly really important as you probably know all of this by now but I’m sure it could be useful to know. Let me know or comment below if there is anything that you think has been left out. WHY HAVE THESE CONFERENCES? These were called to help the allies decide what […]

History: Vietnam (a really short overview)

Hi This is a summary of the Vietnam War, I will delve deeper into the specifics in posts to follow. This is for any of you looking for basic revision but can help build the foundation for the rest of my posts to come. At the end of World War II (1939-1945), a group of […]

History: The Collapse of the USSR BBC QUIZ

Hi I did this quiz a while ago and found it to be a more fun & interactive way of preparing. Take a look at these questions: Collapse of communism – The answers 1. What country did Russia invade in 1979? You said: Afghanistan 2. Who called the Soviet Union the “evil empire”? You said: […]

History: Solidarity

Hi It seems only fitting that I elaborate more on this topic since I have just mentioned it, so here it goes. Solidarity was established in 1980 in Poland, co-founded by Lech Walesa. They aspired to get a democratic government and opposed the Soviet trade unions as well as the one-party communist state. They showed […]

Life Sciences: Chromosomes

Hi So this is the beginning of the ‘chromosomes and meiosis’ section WHAT ARE CHROMOSOMES? They are long & thread-like structures that form a part of the chromatin network within the nuclei of cells They are made of a strand of DNA that is wound around a protein core called a histone They were discovered […]